Saturday, July 12, 2014

Welcome to my blog!

Here's a little intro to my blog. I'm Alecia and I just started my first Whole 30, which just happens to be my first real experience with anything Paleo! I have a billion pins on Pinterest for "clean eating", does that count? :\
I'm married to an awesome guy named Mike and we are going on almost 5 years! We have two cute little boys. Milo will be 4 in September and Max will be 2 in August! My babies are growing up too fast! We all have our different health struggles. 
Mike has always had digestion problems, which led him to get his gall bladder out 3 years ago. He has issues with dairy and I'm just sure he has issues with everything. He is also a mailman so he walks miles a day and with that comes all sorts of body aches and pains. He also majorly struggles with energy levels, he could sleep during all of his down time. 
Milo has shown some significant autistic symptoms for a couple of years now. He has struggled with emotion control, sensory regulation, language development, transitions, and anxiety- to name a few. We've worked with Alpine School District Special Education Preschool, Kids on the Move, and now we are going through Giant Steps Preschool. Right now he goes to school twice a week for the next 3 weeks until fall when he will be in school full time. 
Max has had problems with peanuts and peanut butter. In the past, it has made him puff up with redness all over his face. It's never been life-threatening or blocked his airway, but he gets agitated by it. We have worried if some of Milo's behaviors have been affecting him because we have seen him act similar at times. It's not anything major as of right now, but we are keeping an eye on it.
As for me, I have migraines. That is really the only health problem I can claim besides having zero energy. I get migraines when I eat too much sugar, when I'm hungry, when I haven't had caffeine by a certain time, or when I try to stop drinking soda. I can't speak for my family's quality of life, but I feel like mine is so zapped of energy. The moment I wake up, I don't even have energy to get out of bed right away. I'd give anything to sleep longer every single day. When I am forced to get out of bed (usually because of some disaster arranged by the boys) all I can think about is relaxing. I usually get fast food for the kids because I am so exhausted and can't make breakfast/lunch/dinner. I won't even talk about how messy the house is 85% of the time. When I do clean, it's because someone is coming over and it takes everything I have and the help of Excedrin. When the boys are asleep/having quiet time, I would often sit and feel sorry for myself because I want to do more and BE more but I don't know how or if I even have it in me to try. Depression is common and a long time friend of mine.
This was all before the 1st of July, the day I started my first Whole 30, along with my whole family. In preparation for this, I put absolutely everything in my kitchen that wasn't Whole 30 compliant in boxes and gave it away. I got rid of everything until my pantry and fridge were sadly bare. I was COMMITTED!! Here's my journey on this Whole 30 with all the highs, lows, worries, and joys that will go along with this.
Thanks for reading!
-Alecia :)

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